The Digital & Green Skills Towards the Future of the Mobility Ecosystem (TRIREME) project aims to integrate a broad spectrum of activities that bridge both conceptual and technological aspects of the automotive-mobility ecosystem. Project partners will harness skills intelligence and seek to identify key trends within the automotive sector to enhance re-skilling and up-skilling programmes. This will be complemented by the development of specialised training initiatives and an exploration of the impacts arising from the ecosystem's transition.
Project partners are:
- ASA - Automotive Skills Alliance (BE)
- ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers Association (BE)
- CECRA - Conseil Européen du Commerce et de la Réparation Automobiles (BE)
- CLEPA - Association Europeenne Des Fournisseurs Automobiles, (BE)
- ETRMA - European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers' Association (BE)
- VSB-TUO - Technical University of Ostrava (CZ)
- APTE - Associatia Pentru Promovarea Tehnologiei Electronice (RO)
- ATIT - Asociatia Transilvania IT (RO)
- IndustriALL - European Trade Union Association de Fait (BE)
- CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering & Technology-based Industries (BE)
- WRS - Wirtschaftsforderung Region Stuttgart GMBH (DE)
- International Software-Experts for Collaborative Networks I.S.C.N. GESMBH (AT)
- UM - Univerza v Mariboru (SI)
- EUPPORTUNITY European Affairs Consultancy (PT)
- SPIN 360 SRL (IT)
- Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini SRL SB (IT)
- Budapesti Muszaki Es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem (HU)
- HETEL - Asociacion de Centros de Formacion Tecnico Profesional de Inciativa Social de Euskadi Hetel Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea de Durango (ES)
- SERNAUTO - Asociacion Espanola De Proveedoresde Automocion (ES)
- EAA Stowarzyszenie Wschodni Sojusz Motoryzacyjny (PO)
- UCRS - Uddannelsescenter Ringkobing Skjern (DK)
- MOBINOV - Associação do Cluster Auromóvel (PT)
- ATEC - Associação de Formação para a Indústria (PT)
- EuroSPI - European System, Software, Services Process Improvement Eurospi Certificates & Services GESMBH (AT)
- TUG - Technische Universitaet Graz (AT)
- SFC - Sistemi Formativi CONFINDUSTRIA SCPA (IT)
- CHALMERS Tekniska Hogskola AB (SE)
- VAMIA Vaasan Kaupunki (FI)
Link to Tireme