From December 2019 to November 2023
The project ALBATTS - Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills - aims at enabling and directing both industrial and educational stakeholders in the Batteries for Electro-mobility emerging European ecosystem, towards the future concerning competence need and supply.
Together partners will design a roadmap or blueprint for the synchronisation of the demand; the new needs for competence, on the enterprise side, with the supply of education and training services, customised to meet the demands.
This includes the definitions of new job roles and new curricula for the whole value chain from cell production to battery systems and stationery and mobile applications. There are upskilling and reskilling needs, gaps to be addressed for workforce with higher education and needs for training in the workplace. As the European transfer to electromobility will mean both changes and disruptions on the work market, a plan for initial pre-employment training for workforce will be needed, including at a low education level.
ALBATTS project partners are:
ALBATTS project associated partners are: